Tuesday 22 April 2014

CLA Revision

CLA Revision.

Colloquial language - is a variety of language commonly employed in conversation or other communication in informal situations.

Hyponym - is a word or phrase whose semantic field is included within that of another word, its hypernym. In simpler terms, a hyponym shares a type-of relationship with its hypernym. For example, pigeon, crow, eagle and seagull are all hyponyms of bird which, in turn, is a hyponym of animal.

Elliptical utterance - is a phrase that, in itself, makes little sense. When the utterance is placed within the context of a conversation, it takes on a clearer meaning.

Morpheme - In linguistics, a morpheme is the smallest grammatical unit in a language.

Deixis - refers to words and phrases that cannot be fully understood without additional contextual information.

In language structure, a diminutive or diminutive form is a formation of a word used to convey a slight degree of the root meaning, smallness of the object or quality named, encapsulation, intimacy, or endearment.

Holophrastic - is relating to the stage of child language development characterized by the use of single-word utterances.


The wug test - is an experiment in linguistics, created by Jean Berko Gleason in 1958. It was designed as a way to investigate the acquisition of the plural and other inflectional morphemes in English-speaking children.

Theories -

· Chomsky LAD / virtuous errors / nativist

· Skinner – behaviourism / positive reinforcement / negative reinforcement

· Piaget – Cognitive development

· Vygotsky – play and cognitive development

· Bruner – social interactionist

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