Tuesday 22 April 2014

CLA plan.

AO1 Select & apply a range of linguistic methods, to communicate relevant knowledge using appropriate terminology & coherent, accurate
written expression
Lexis and Semantics:
·         lexical fields
·         colloquial choices
·         contractions
·         use of determiners
·         use of pronouns
·         hypernyms and hyponyms
·         use of names
·         simple; compound complex; sentences
·         awareness of sentence functions
·         elliptical utterances
·         non-standard constructions / grammatical omissions
·         formation of negatives;
·         use of determiners
·         formation of questions
·         use of morphemes
·         use of passive
·         use of present and past tense,
·         omission of certain sounds
·         consonant clusters etc
·         relationship between sound and meaning
·         turn-taking
·         questions
·         topic shifts
·         minimal responses
·         tag questions
·         Non-verbal communication and utterances
·         Use of humour
·         Deixis
·         References to books, tv etc
Language of the Caregiver:
·         Pronunciation
·         Pitch
·         Exaggeration
·         Simple lexis
·         Diminutives
·         Concrete nouns
·         Simple constructions
·         Imperatives
·         Questions
·         Names instead of pronouns
·         repetition

AO2 Demonstrate critical understanding of a range of concepts and issues related to the construction and analysis of meanings in spoken and written language, using knowledge of linguistic approaches
Stages of development :
·         Preverbal stage
·         Holophrastic
·         Two word
·         Telegraphic
·         Post-telegraphic
·         Katherine Nelson – first 50 words
·         Jean Aitchison -  lexical and semantic development
·         Roger Brown – two word phrases and meaning and morphological development
·         Bellugi – developing use of negatives and use of pronouns
·         Berko – ‘wugs’ experiment – morphological development
Phonological development and research:
·         Phonological  errors
·         Alan Cruttenden (1974)
·         Berko and Brown (1960s) ‘fis’ experiment
Pragmatics / Functions of language:
·         Halliday
·         Dore
·         Turn-taking Research eg peek-a-boo
Politeness / Face theories
Power  theories
Gender theories
Child Directed Speech Theories and Research :
·         Features of CDS
·         Bruner – Language Acquisition Support System
CLA Theories:
·         Chomsky LAD / virtuous errors / nativist
·         Skinner – beviourism / positive reinforcement / negative reinforcement
·         Piaget – Cognitive development
·         Vygotsky – play and cognitive development
·         Bruner – social interactionist
Other References:
·         Genie
·         Deaf children

AO3 Analyse and evaluate the influence of contextual factors on the production and
reception of spoken and written language, showing knowledge of the key
constituents of language
·         Genre
·         Audience
·         Subject
·         Purpose
·         Who is the text producer/ receiver
·         What are the expectations of the text receiver?

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