Thursday 19 September 2013

Khadem, Kirby, Cla theories, Skinner, Vygotsky, Paiget, Virtuous error, Zone of proximal development

Vargha Khadem: -30 family members, 15 affected -Speech is not clear -give impression that they are deaf -'speech 1' -chromosone 7 -unconnected child(chromosone 7 broken off) -Fox p2 -Nature Pagel: -Having the right genetics in place -divide up tasks -need language to regulate that Kirby: - Blind, unconscious process -words that describe made up fruit -we structure the language The cla debate moved beyone nature v's nurture to nature and nurture. CLA THEORIES Behaviourists - imitating others language Social interactionsists - influenced and improved by adults Strongest nativists - language is innate Cognitiv theorists - language grows when ideas develop Nativism - Chomsky: All children have an built LAD - extract the rules of language from words ans structures they hear. Universal grammar: All languages share similar grammatical structure under the surface. Critical period: Childrens LAD must be activated before they age of 12 or the acquistion will be impaired. B.F. Skinner: 'Skinner box' - tested positive and negative reinforcements with rats and pigeons, however did not focus on humans. Social interaction theory (A system that states that the interaction helps supporta childs language acquistition (scaffolding)). Vygotsky: The difference between what a child can do without guidance and what a child can do with help. Piaget: Egocentric view of the child before they can empathise, the world revolves around them. The zone of proximal development: Object permanence.. Vygotsky believed collaborative play is essential to childrens learning. He believed that "what a child can do in co - operation today, he can do alone tomorrow". Virtuous error: A logical mistake made by children based on the rules they already know. (mouses or forgeted).

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